Selected Journal Papers

1 . Quantification of the impact of street design features on restorative quality in urban settings
Park, K., & Ergan, S.
Sustainable Cities and Society (accepted).

2 . Improving Work Zone Safety: Integrating VR-CARLA Co-simulation and Eye Tracking for Behavior Analysis of Drivers around Work Zones
Zhang, S., Ergan, S., Zuo, F., & Ozbay, K.
Journal of Transportation Safety & Security (accepted).

3 . Reinforcement learning-based optimal control of wearable alarms for consistent roadway workers’ reactions to traffic hazards
Lu, D., Ergan, S., & Ozbay, K.
Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 1-25, 2025.

4 . Transforming Urban Façade Condition Assessments with Semantic Data Visualizations and 3D Spatial Layouts from BIMs
Shi, Z., & Ergan, S.
Buildings, 15(3), 458, 2025.

5 . An AprilTags-Based Approach for Progress Monitoring and Quality Control in Modular Construction
Liu, J., Ergan, S., & Zhang, Q.
Buildings, 14(7), 2252, 2024.

6 . Quality assessment of residential layout designs generated by relational Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
Park, K., Ergan, S., and Chen, F.
Automation in Construction, 158, 105243, 2024.

7 . Classification of Challenges in Achieving BIM-Based Safety-Requirement Checking in Vertical Construction Projects
Venkatesh, P., & Ergan, S.
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 149(12), 04023131, 2023.

8 . Extracting principal building variables from automatically collected urban scale façade images for energy conservation through deep transfer learning
Yu, X., Zou, Z., and Ergan, S.
Applied Energy, 344, 121228, 2023.

9 . Towards emotionally intelligent buildings: A Convolutional neural network based approach to classify human emotional experience in virtual built environments
Zou, Z., and Ergan, S.
Journal of Advanced Engineering Informatics, 55, 101868, 2023.

10 . Developing an integrated platform to enable hardware-in-the-loop for synchronous VR, traffic simulation and sensor interactions
Zou, Z., Bernardes, S. D., Zuo, F., Ergan, S., and Ozbay, K.
Journal of Advanced Engineering Informatics, 51, 101476, 2022.

11 . Estimating Power Demand Shaving Capacity of Buildings on an Urban Scale using Extracted Demand Response Profiles through Machine Learning Models
Yu, X., and Ergan, S.
Applied Energy, 310, 118579, 2022.

12 . Evaluating the effectiveness of biometric sensors and their signal features for classifying human experience in virtual environments
Zou, Z., and Ergan, S.
Advanced Engineering Informatics, 49, 101358, 2021.

13 . Key Variables in Determining Energy Shaving Capacity of Buildings during Demand Response Events
Yu, X., & Ergan, S.
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 147(1), 04020146, 2020.

14 . Quantifying the Impact of Urban Form on Human Experience: An Experiment using Virtual Environments and Electroencephalogram
Zou, Z., Ergan, S., Fisher-Gewirtzman, D., & Curtis, C.
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. 2020.

15 . Towards Optimal Control of Air Handling Units using Deep Reinforcement Learning and Recurrent Neural Network
Zou, Z., Yu, X., & Ergan, S.
Building and Environment, 106535. 2020.

16 . A data-driven approach to extract operational signatures of HVAC systems and analyze impact on electricity consumption
Yu, X., Ergan, S., & Dedemen, G.
Applied Energy, 253, 113497. 2019.

17 . Quantifying human experience in architectural spaces with integrated virtual reality and body sensor networks
Ergan, S., Radwan, A., Zou, Zhengbo, Tseng, H., and Han, X.
ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 33(2), 04018062.1- 13. 2019

18 . Characteristics of Models that Impact Transformation of BIMs to Virtual Environments to Support Facility Management Operations
Zou, Z., Arruda, L., & Ergan, S.
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 24(6), 481-498. 2018.

19 . Towards quantifying human experience in the built environment: A crowdsourcing based experiment to identify influential architectural design features
Ergan, S., Shi, Z., and Yu, X.
Elsevier Journal of Building Engineering, 20(11), 51-59. 2018.

20 . BIM for FM: Information requirements to support HVAC-related corrective maintenance
Yang, X. and Ergan, S.
ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering, 23(4), 04017023-1- 13. 2017.

21 . Modeling information flow in the supply chain of structural steel components
Akcay, C., Ergan, S., and Arditi, D.
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, T&F. 23(6), 753-764. 2017.

22 . Leveraging BIM to provide automated support for efficient troubleshooting of HVAC-related problems
Yang, X. and Ergan, S.
ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 30(2), 04015023.1-13. 2016.

23 . Design and evaluation of an integrated visualization platform to support corrective maintenance of HVAC problem–related work orders
Yang, X. and Ergan, S.
ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 30(3), 04015041.1- 13. 2016.

24 . Integrated information repository for risk assessment of embankment dams: Requirements identification for evaluating the risk of internal erosion
Gulgec, N., Ergan, S., Akinci, B., and Kelly, C.
ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 30(3), 04015038.1-12. 2016.

25 . Evaluation of different features for matching point clouds to building information models
Gao, T., Ergan, S., Akinci, B., and Garrett, J. H.
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 30(1), 04014107.1-13. 2016.

26 . Requirements of integrated design teams while evaluating advanced energy retrofit design options in immersive virtual environments
Yang, S., Ergan, S., and Knox, K.
Journal of Buildings, 5(4), 1302-1320. 2015.

27 . An approach to combine progressively captured point clouds for BIM updating
Gao, T., Akinci, B., Ergan, S., and Garrett, J.
Elsevier Advanced Engineering Informatics, 29(4), 1001-1012. 2015.

28 . Visualization requirements of engineers for risk assessment of embankment dams
Kasireddy, V., Ergan, S., and Akinci, B., Gulgec, N.
Visualization in Engineering 2015, 3(1), (16 January 2015).

29 . Evaluation of visualization techniques for use by facility operators during monitoring tasks
Yang, S., and Ergan, S.
Elsevier Automation in Construction, 44 (August), 103–118. 2014.

30 . Proactive productivity management at job sites: understanding characteristics of assumptions made for construction processes during planning based on case studies and interviews
Gao, T., Ergan, S., Akinci, B., and Garrett, J. H.
ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(3), March issue, 1-11. 2014.

31 . An automated approach for developing integrated model-based project histories to support estimation of activity production rates
Ergan, S., and Akinci, B.
ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 26(3), May issue, 309–318. 2012.

32 . Analysis of modeling effort and impact of different levels of detail in building information models
Leite, F., Akcamete, A., Akinci, B., Atasoy, G., and Ergan, S.
Automation in Construction, 20(5), August issue, 601-609. 2011.

33 . Automated generation of customized field data collection templates to support information needs of cost estimators
Ergan, S., and Akinci, B.
ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 24(2), March issue, 129-139. 2010.

34 . Comparison of expert and novice cost estimator behaviors in information pull and push methods
Ergan, S., Akinci, B., and Gonzalez, C.
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 37(2), February issue, 290-301. 2010.

35 . Contextual information requirements of cost estimators from past construction projects
Ergan, S., and Akinci, B.
ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 135(9), September issue, 841-852. 2009.

36 . Technological assessment and process implications of field data capture technologies for construction and facility/infrastructure management
Ergan, S., Akinci, B., Ergen, E., Tang, P., and Gordon, C.
Special Issue on Sensors in Construction and Infrastructure Management, Information Technology in Construction (ITCON), 13 (April), 134-154. 2008.

37 . Modeling and analyzing the impact of technology on data capture and transfer processes at construction sites: a case study
Akinci, B. Ergan, S., Ergen, E., Karaesmen, I. Z., and Keceli, F.
ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 132(11), November issue, 1148-1157. 2006.

38 . Prediction of organizational effectiveness in construction companies
Dikmen, I., Birgonul, T., and Ergan, S.
ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 131(2), February issue, 252-261. 2005.

39 . Strategic use of quality function deployment (QFD) in construction industry
Dikmen, I., Birgonul, M. T., and Ergan, S.
Building and Environment, 40(2), February issue, 245-255. 2005.