Past Projects
Click images to see more details about projects.
Increasing Work Zone Safety: Worker Behavioral Analysis with Integration of Wearable Sensors and Virtual Reality
Customized building operations: Defining operational signatures of HVAC system configurations through data analytics on historical BAS data
Neuroscience for architecture: Quantification of impact of architecture on human experience in the built environment
Emotionally intelligent buildings: Responsive virtual environments using biometric sensing
Building grid interactions: Improving demand-response performance of buildings through accurate electricity demand estimations
BIM-based and an Automated Approach for HVAC Troubleshooting
Delivering Accurate and Complete As-built BIMs: Progressive Laser Scans and As-Planned BIM
Immersive and Interactive Workspaces for Collaborative Design
Advanced Information Modeling and Visualization for Dam Risk Assessment
Building Energy Dashboards
Airport safety during capital improvement projects
A formal approach to define HVAC sequence of operations to enable interpretation of the design intent for system behavior assessment
Utilization of game engines and virtual models to identify FM requirements for BIM deliverables
Data analysis on highly sensed buildings for understanding patterns in building performance and energy use
Model and embedded sensor based safety at job sites for insurance policies
Challenges faced while developing interactive virtual models for FM use
Analysis of renovation challenges in historical landmarks